Amagerbanen, die alte Eisenbahn auf Amager in Kopenhagen
Bäume im Mols Bjerge Nationalpark, Dänemark

Sustainable travel in Denmark

Foto:© Viggo Lundberg&Kim Wyon

The joy of going green

We like to have fun here in Denmark, even when it comes to serious topics like sustainability. We don't believe leading a sustainable life means you have to sacrifice having a good time. Read on to see just how much fun you can have going green in Denmark.


Stay in the great outdoors

Foto: VisitFyn - Mette Johnsen

Getting the basics right

Plan your trip the greenest way possible with our links to hotels, restaurants and transport that have the green seal of approval. It's actually harder to make a decision that's bad for the environment than a good one!

Two people on the Green Kayak

Adventurous and good for the planet

Foto: Daniel Rasmussen / Copenhagen Media Center

Inspirational and sustainable

Some other ideas to help on your journey to sustainability with a side order of fun: Take long trips rather than short breaks. Travel slowly. Pack less. Buy less. Spend time in nature. Come camping in Denmark. And explore a few of these great ideas too...

Why not travel in the off season?

Our peak season for travel is June and July, so if you plan a trip here at any other time of year, you'll be making a difference.

Kirschblüten,  Bispebjerg Friedhof, Kopenhagen


Heartland Festival bei Schloss Egeskov auf Fünen
Summer icon


Naturspektakel Schwarze Sonne im Nationalpark Wattenmeer an der Süddänischen Nordsee
Autumn icon


Winterbaden in Klitmøller in Nordjütland
Winter icon


How green can you go?

Consider this a challenge from us to you...

Tisvilde Beach in North Zealand
Die schönsten Strände in Dänemark
Schwimmende Inseln im Kopenhagener Hafen
7 floating experiences you ought to try in Copenhagen
Copenhagen sunset
Das unbekannte Kopenhagen
People eating in the greenhouse room at Gemyse Tivoli in Copenhagen
9 vegane und vegetarische Restaurants in Dänemark
Denmark's most sustainable restaurants
Woman wandering at Reffen street food market in Copenhagen
10 of Denmark's most exciting sustainable food initiatives