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Shelter site in Sunds Kommuneplantage

Sunds plantation is 50 hectares. The plantation consists of both heath and meadow, and have access to Sunds Nørrå, from where you’re free to fish.

The shelter site is located in the middle of the plantation. In addition, you will find a fenced area for horses, which makes it ideal for horsebackriders.     

The plantation can be entered from Krusbjergvej or Røjenvej.

Book the shelter at Sunds plantation here

Should you have any problems or questions regarding booking a shelter, please contact Herning Kommune, Natur og Grønne Områder. 
Phone: +45 9628 8141  /  +45 9628 8147
Mobile: +45 2096 2274
Email: parkognatur@herning.dk